Swimming pool water treatment
There are various types of swimming pools. Swimming pools differ in function (tropical swimming pool, sauna), size and conditions such as water temperature, cleaning system and water disinfection mechanism. Maintaining your pool water in a safe balanced state can be a daunting prospect for most pool owners. Your pool water may be crystal clear, but that does not mean it is healthy;
Sanitisation is necessary to disinfect the pool water to prevent the spread of disease organisms from person to person & prevent unwanted growth of bacteria & algae in the pool. Your pool is constantly being polluted by the environment; dirt, leaves, pollen,human perspiration & cosmetics etc are introduced daily.
Swimming pool water must undergo treatment, in order to remain clear and clean, free from harmful substances, bacteria, viruses, algae and other pathogens and suitable for use by swimmers.
Purification steps
Swimming pool water is treated by means of various purification steps,
(1)The water is first transported from swimming pools to a water purification plant . it will flow through a hair removal filter , which removes raw pollutions, such as hairs, plasters and leaves, from water.
(2) Flocculation in Public Swimming Pools,
Flocculants allow the smallest of particles to be removed from the swimming pool water.After that, a flocculant is added, which causes smaller colloids to bind together. Colloids are visible floating particles of organic matter, such as skin tissue and textile fibers. This group of pollutants also concerns colloidal pollutants, such as saliva, soap remains, cosmetic products and skin fats.Floating particles are removed from water in a sandfilter.
3)What is water disinfection? Necessity of water disinfection Waterborne diseases Factors, Swimming pool disinfection & health;Chemical disinfectants Chlorine Sodium hypochlorite Chloramines Chlorine dioxide Copper silver ionization Hydrogen peroxide Bromine Peroxone Peracetic acid;
The most common chemical used in the treatment of swimming pool water is chlorine. It not only eliminates bacteria and algae by disinfecting (killing) action, it also oxidizes (chemically destroys) other materials such as dirt and chloramines.
Proper chlorination and filtration give pool water its clear, sparkling appearance.
Chlorine exists as a solid, a liquid and a gas. The strength of each type is determined by the amount of chlorine within the material that is effective both as a disinfectant and an oxidize
The aim of Hoo chemtec is to achieve and maintain the correct water chemistry in your pool .
.In general, maintaining proper chemical levels or values in the pool water will prevent these problems.
Chemicals normally used to treat swimming pool water:
• Sanitisers / disinfectants – To destroy harmful and objectionable organisms.
• Soda Ash (sodium carbonate) / pH Plus – Used to increase the pH level.
• Sodium bisulphate / pH Minus – Used to decrease the pH level.
• Chlorine Stabiliser – To prevent unnecessary loss of chlorine.
• Algaecide – To kill and prevent the growth of algae.
• Filter Aids / Flocculants / Clarifiers – To help remove foreign debris / material.
Water Softening in Public Swimming Pools
Water softening is a key element of water treatment for public swimming pools. Soft water reduces the likelihood of operating system failure and ensures that the pool attractions look their very best;
HS CodeDescription28281000Calcium Hypochlorite29291000TCCA29291000SDIC29081090Sodium PentachlorophenateSodium bisulphateSoda AshSodium hypochlorite |
Proper chemical treatment is needed in order to prevent a wide range of potential
problems including scale and stain formation, colored or cloudy water, corrosion
of pool surfaces and equipment and to assure proper performance of the sanitizer
being used;